Staff Council Bylaws
Approved: June 3, 1998
Amended: February 3, 1999 (Article IX rewritten)
Amended: December 7, 2005 (Eligibility & Article IX)
Amended: 2010 (Eligibility; Article IV, Section 2, A, Section 4, Section 5; Appendix A)
Amended: August 29, 2017 (Article II; Article III, Section 1; Article IV, Sections 1 and 4; Appendix A)
Amended: September 13, 2022 (Article V – Addition of Immediate Past Chair officer position)
Amended: March 14, 2023 (Article III – Membership – Addition of VPAT and Director of HR)
The name of this organization will be the Washburn University Staff Council.
ARTICLE II - Purpose
The purpose of Staff Council is to serve as an advisory body to the office of the President concerning matters affecting eligible Exempt and Non-Exempt employees. Staff Council may make recommendation for policies and activities to the President and, at President's request, review and comment on policies.
ARTICLE III - Membership
Section 1: Eligibility
A. Eligible employees are those employees in full-time or part-time Exempt or Non-Exempt positions except: faculty employees; members of the positions included in the Memorandum of Agreement between the University and United Steelworks of America Local 307 L-4; and seasonal and temporary employees.
B. Membership of the Staff Council will be those eligible Exempt and Non-Exempt employees, elected by their respective groups (See Appendix A). These groups will be maintained by the Staff Council and rearranged as needed.
C. The Staff Council will be composed of 16 members. Members will be elected by the eligible Exempt and Non-Exempt employees from a ballot comprised of nominated staff. Six members will be chosen from among Exempt staff and ten from Non-Exempt staff as described in Appendix A. First runners-up in each group will serve as alternates. In the case of a tie, a runoff election will be held. If this also results in a tie, a coin toss will determine the winner.
D. The elected members will serve for a term of two years.
E. Terms will be staggered with half of the Exempt and half of the Non-Exempt representatives elected every year. Exempt groups A C E and Non-Exempt groups C D E G I will be elected in even numbered years. Exempt groups B D F and Non-Exempt groups A B F H J will be elected in odd numbered years.
F. Terms for elected members will run from Oct 1 to Sept 30.
G. Individuals can serve no more than 2 consecutive terms, but can be re-elected after at least 1 year or 1 term off the council.
H. The Vice President of Administration and Treasurer (VPAT) and the Director of Human Resources are standing members of Staff Council that serve in an advisory capacity as non-voting members.
Section 2: Responsibilities
A. Represent the interests of that group of Washburn University employees which has selected him/her for the position, rather than representing his/her own personal interests.
B. Provide a method of two-way communication between himself/herself and those in the group represented. It is important that such a method is used regularly to share the actions of the Council with those represented. Conversely, it is important to use that method to solicit the opinions and reactions of those represented and to share those with the Council.
C. Make time to attend meetings of the Staff Council in a regular and timely fashion.
D. Be willing to serve on a Staff Council subcommittee if requested.
E. Will always ask alternate to attend any meetings that conflict with member's schedule.
Section 3: Transfer or Termination of Membership
A. Membership on the Council will not be transferable to another person except as defined below or through the election process.
B. The term of a member ends upon separation from service with the University or receipt by the chair of written resignation by the member.
C. Council vacancies are filled by the alternate from the last election for the balance of vacated term.
D. If an alternate was not elected, the Chairperson will appoint a representative from the respective group to fill the vacancy.
ARTICLE IV - Elections
Section 1: Nominations
The Nominations and Elections Committee will send out nomination letters to all eligible Exempt and Non-Exempt employees in August. These letters inform the eligible Exempt and Non-Exempt employees of those members of the Staff Council who have completed their service and that nominations are being solicited for new Council members. Staff members may nominate themselves and/or as many others as they wish within each group.
Anyone accepting a nomination will be eligible to be elected as a Staff Council member from their representative group.
Section 2: Staff Council Nominees
A. After the closing date for nominations, the Nominations and Elections Committee will confirm the nominations, answer any questions the individuals may have, and verify those individuals' willingness to serve and run as nominees to the Staff Council.
B. If no nominations have been received by the Nominations and Elections Committee for a representative of any group, the Committee members shall personally contact eligible employees to solicit volunteer(s) to serve on the Council from that group and shall place the volunteer's name(s) on the election ballot.
Section 3: Ballot
When all nominations have been confirmed, the Nominations and Elections Committee will put together ballots for each of the representative groups. All nominations must have ballots sent even if only one name is listed.
Section 4: Elections
Notification of the election deadline will be sent to all eligible Exempt and Non-Exempt employees at least twenty days in advance. The notification will also provide information on absentee voting.
Ballots will be distributed via the University mail system or personal delivery or email. ALL eligible Exempt and Non-Exempt employees will have the opportunity to vote and return the ballots for a one week period.
Section 5: Notification
All nominees and their groups will be notified of the election results. The Committee will prepare congratulation letters to be sent from the President's office to newly elected Council members and their supervisors.
ARTICLE V - Officers
Section 1:
The officers of the Staff Council will be a Chairperson, Immediate Past Chair, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary.
Section 2: Term of Office
A. The Officers will be elected by the Council at the first meeting of the newly-elected Council to be held within thirty days of elections.
B. The Officers will hold a one-year, term, and will hold office until their successors are elected.
Section 3: Chairperson
The Chairperson will schedule rooms for each meeting, preside at all meetings of the Staff Council, manage the business of the Staff Council and carry into effect all resolutions of the Council by providing a copy of the resolution to the president and other concerned parties. The Chairperson will serve as liaison to the University President meeting occasionally as situations warrant.
Section 4: Immediate Past Chair
The previously elected chair will serve as the Immediate Past Chair. The Immediate Past Chair will provide support and mentorship for the Chairperson. In the event the former Chairperson is unable to serve as the Immediate Past Chair, the former Vice-Chairperson will serve as the Immediate Past Chair. If the former Vice-Chairperson is unable to serve as the Immediate Past Chair, the former Secretary will serve as the Immediate Past Chair.
Section 5: Vice-Chairperson
The Vice-Chairperson will, in the Chairperson's absence, perform the duties of the Chairperson.
Section 6: Secretary
The Secretary will attend all meetings of the Staff Council and act as clerk thereof, and record all votes and minutes of all proceedings. The Secretary will also distribute minutes to Council members.
ARTICLE VI - Committees
Section 1: Nominations and Elections Committee
A. Will solicit nominations for Staff Council members and prepare a ballot of names.
B. Will conduct the elections each year.
C. Will count the ballots and publicize the results.
Section 2: Ad Hoc Committee(s)
A. Will be formed as needed at the discretion of the Chairperson.
ARTICLE VII - Meetings
Section 1: Scheduled Meetings
A. The Staff Council will generally meet once a month. A minimum of ten meetings per calendar year will be held. All regular monthly Staff Council meetings will be open.
B. Special meetings will be called as required by the chairperson.
C. A simple majority will constitute a quorum.
Section 2: Agenda
An agenda will be presented by the Chairperson for each meeting of the Council.
ARTICLE VIII - Parliamentary authority
In the absence of any special rules which the Council may adopt, Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern the conduct of procedure of Council meetings.
ARTICLE IX - Amendments to the Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended only by a two-thirds majority vote of all elected members (or their respective alternate) of the Washburn University Staff Council. Notice of proposed amendments will be sent to all Staff Council members at least 14 days in advance of voting.
The following groups of staff will each elect 1 representative to the Staff Council. Group membership will be adjusted by the Council as needed.
- Exempt A
- Art Building
- Indoor Athletic Facility
- Petro Allied Health Center
- Student Recreation and Wellness Center
- Whiting Field House
- Exempt B
- Morgan Hall
- Exempt C
- Benton Hall
- Henderson Learning Resources Center
- Law School
- Mabee Library
- Exempt D
- Bradbury Thompson Alumni Center
- Garvey Fine Arts Center
- International House
- Memorial Union
- Mulvane Art Museum
- Exempt E
- Bennett Computer Center
- Carnegie Hall
- Facility Services
- Residential Living (all buildings)
- Stoffer Science Hall
- Exempt F
- Washburn Institute of Technology
- Non-Exempt A
- Art Building
- Indoor Athletic Facility
- Petro Allied Health Center
- Residential Living (all buildings)
- Student Recreation and Wellness Center
- Whiting Field House
- Non-Exempt B
- Bennett Computer Center
- Carnegie Hall
- Facility Services
- Mail Services
- Stoffer Science Hall
- Non-Exempt C
- Morgan Hall
- Non-Exempt D
- Morgan Hall
- Non-Exempt E
- Morgan Hall
- Non-Exempt F
- Memorial Union
- Maybee Library
- Non-Exempt G
- Benton Hall
- Henderson Learning Resources Center
- Non-Exempt H
- Bradbury Thompson Alumni Center
- Garvey Fine Arts Center
- International House
- Mulvane Art Museum
- Non-Exempt I
- Law School
- Non-Exempt J
- Washburn Institute of Technology