Why does Washburn University need a First Year Experience (FYE) program?
To help students successfully transition into their university studies while developing a set of skills and strategies that will assist them throughout their university experience. In addition, the goal is to help new students quickly connect to the institution in a deeply relational manner.
Over thirty years of research demonstrates that students who participate in a First Year Experience attempt and successfully complete more classes, and earn better grades in these courses. In addition, FYE students take advantage of more institutional resources, report getting more out of their university experience and, most importantly, retain and graduate at higher rates.
To learn more, please visit the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition at the University of South Carolina.
What is the difference between the First Year Experience program and WU 101, The Washburn Experience class?
The class is a piece, although the crucial one, of the Washburn University First Year Experience Program. A variety of programming, much that already exists and more that is being developed, is designed to support students both in and out of WU 101 as they navigate their first year at Washburn. What is important is that everyone understands that a single class is insufficient to improve student success and retention as envisioned in the university's strategic plan—all members of the university community have a role to play, regardless as to whether or not they have a direct role in WU 101.
What is the connection between the First Year Experience and Computer and Information Literacy?
In the digital age, Information Literacy is dependent upon Computer Literacy but it is clear that many students lack an understanding of how to appropriately discover and ethically use information in an environment where they are literally overwhelmed by access to such resources. WU 101, in particular, seeks to introduce students to a series of skills that will allow them to become Information Literate in the digital age. As they become Information Literate, Washburn students will, we believe, have a skill set that allows them to effectively and efficiently succeed in their advanced studies.
To learn more about Information Literacy, please visit the following website:
ACRL Information Literacy Framework