The mission of Washburn University of Topeka is to prepare individuals for careers and for a lifetime of continuous learning through post-secondary education in certificate programs, in specified associate, bachelor, master and professional degree programs and in not-for-credit educational courses. All University telecommunications resources, including the television cable system, the telephone system and the academic and administrative computer systems, exist to accomplish the mission of Washburn University.
Persons may be granted access to these telecommunications resources as a result of their status at the University as student, staff member or in another capacity conducting University-related business and to use the resource to which the access is granted as an educational resource in furtherance of the University's mission. These resources are limited and access to one or more of the telecommunications resources may be prioritized. First priority will be given to excellence in teaching and the University's role as a higher education institution. Additional priorities, policies and guidelines consistent with the University mission may be established for a specific telecommunications resource by the appropriate area head.
Each user is responsible for utilizing the University's telecommunications resources in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner. By law such resources cannot be used for commercial purposes or for direct personal gain unrelated to the achievement of the University's public purpose, although an incidental personal benefit may be derived from such use. Nor, under federal, state and local laws against discrimination and related university policies, may such resources be used to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational or working environment on account of one's race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, disability, sex, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or gender identity. Further, these telecommunications resources may not be used to harass or intentionally inflict severe emotional distress upon any person or group.
Washburn University World Wide Web (WWW) Policy
Adopted by the Electronic Technology Committee, January 27, 1999
Approved by the Washburn Board of Regents, June 9, 1999
WWW users are required to:
- comply with applicable copyright and licensing laws;
- comply with applicable federal and/or state laws, including, but not limited to, those relating to libel, slander, obscenity, harassment and extortion; and
- comply with applicable Washburn University policies, including, but not limited to, the Telecommunications Use Policy, the Intellectual Property Rights Policy, the Sexual Harassment Policy, the Student Disciplinary Code, the Law School Honor Code, and all applicable Academic Computing Center (ACC) policies.
References to existing policy, regulations, and/or laws (above) are intended to make it explicit that all actions or behaviors forbidden by the foregoing are also expressly forbidden in cyberspace.
Faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students may provide a web site on a University server. Official University web site providers must:
- place an official University home page/web site entirely on University servers;
- comply with the Washburn University Web Site Implementation Procedure to 1) obtain authorization for an official University home page/web site, and 2) publish an approved official University home page/web site; and
- comply with all Requirements for Construction of Official University Home Pages and Web Sites.*
Except for Official University home pages/web sites, faculty, staff and student web site providers must include the following disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by Washburn University."
Initial determinations concerning compliance with this policy are made by the Director of the ACC.
"web site" means a related collection of computer files including, but not limited to, HTML-marked text files, graphic, sound, and/or video files, applets, scripts, and databases.
"WWW user" means any person, natural or legal, using University computing resources either for accessing the World Wide Web or providing a web site intended to be accessed via the World Wide Web.
"official University home page" and "official University web site" mean a home page and a web site, respectively, published by: the University itself; by a major academic unit; a department within an major academic unit; an operational or administrative unit; or, by a faculty member for any class, credit or no-credit, offered by the University.
* Washburn specifications are provided in the Requirements for Construction of Official University Home Pages and Web Sites available from the ACC