Accessibility Self-Study

Washburn University is conducting a self-study of its facilities and programs with regard to accessibility for persons with disabilities. While Washburn is not required to have every facility totally accessible, it is required to have accessibility to services, programs and activities.

Your answers will assist the committee in evaluation.

Please select the one that best describes you:

Student Faculty Staff Other

1. Have you or others you know encountered physical barriers within University buildings or on the grounds of the campus? Please explain.

2. Have you encountered difficulties in achieving access to University services, programs or activities? Please explain in detail.

3. How could the University improve disseminating information about obtaining accommodations to persons with disabilities?

4. Are there programs or services you believe Washburn could provide to enhance its accessibility to persons with disabilities? Please be as specific as possible.

If you would like to receive a response from the committee, please provide your e-mail address below.

E-mail address:

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