Family & Human Services/Addiction Counseling Practicum
The Family & Human Services Practicum experience is aligned with NAADAC and Kansas BSRB fieldwork requirements for Master’s level licensure. Students who wish to pursue a license in another state are responsible for learning that state's requirements. Our Addiction Counseling coursework is based solely on Kansas educational requirements. Students attempting to meet educational regulations of other states should check with their state to ensure that Washburn University offers the courses they need to be eligible for licensure in their home states. Any student hoping to start our program in addiction counseling while living in another state must sign an attestation form regarding licensure expectations.
GET IN TOUCH WITH Family & Human Services
Family & Human Services
Benton Hall, Room 311
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email
Ph: 785.670.2116