School of Business and the Community
Staying true to our mission, the School of Business collaborates with organizations in the greater Topeka area. Community partnerships serve as a catalyst for economic development and provides access to professional and civic business resources. At Washburn School of Business, our community involvement and service activities fosters and enhances the economic vitality in the region.
Junior Achievement of Kansas is considered one of the best Junior Achievement (JA) programs in the country. Through JA, grade school and middle school students learn about business, personal finance, and free enterprise. This year over 21,000 children in Northeast Kansas participated in JA classes. 43% of all school age children in Shawnee County will have had a JA project in their classroom this year. More than 1,800 children in 88 Topeka classrooms learned about economics from Washburn School of Business students.
While some students teach a section or two to earn extra credit for a class, many others simply do it as part of their commitment towards community service. In addition to teaching classes, many members of Washburn student organizations serve as volunteers at the annual JA Auction and the JA Topeka Business Hall of Fame Gala Dinner.
The Washburn School of Business is proud to host the Topeka Business Hall of Fame, sponsored by Junior Achievement of Kansas.
The Hall honors prominent business and community leaders who have made extraordinary contributions to Topeka, earned the respect of the local community and called attention to the Free Enterprise System and to its value to our country and citizens in shaping our local way of life. Individuals inducted into the Hall of Fame have demonstrated business excellence, are courageous thinkers, have vision, are innovative and inspiring leaders and are community minded.
Each year, nominations are reviewed by a blue-ribbon panel of past laureates and current business leaders. In the Spring, the laureates are featured at a black-tie reception and dinner, one of the must-attend events of the local business and social scene in Topeka. The event also serves as a major fundraiser for JA.
Located in the northeast corner of the Henderson Learning Resources Center, the Hall consists of the environmental portraits of each of the laureates as well as an interactive video display that provides a narrated story of the life and accomplishments of each laureate.
The laureates and their stories serve as an inspiration to Washburn students and to anyone who wants to accomplish great things in their life and career. We encourage you to stop by and visit the Hall the next time you are on campus
Started in October 1983, the Washburn University Kansas Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides small business consulting services and training seminars to northeast Kansas entrepreneurs.
The SBDC helps current and new business owners providing assistance with research and marketing, licensing, book keeping, tax laws and regulations, and human resources. Help your business grow with free planning resources, workshops and social media strategy.
The Washburn Transformational Experience (WTE) program was established to provide you with an opportunity to make a difference to others or society through enhanced learning in four transformational areas. This experience will enable you to gain advanced learning in ways other than through traditional college studies. Additionally, after graduating when you are competing with others for employment, this experience will allow you to set yourself apart. You will be able to showcase your newly acquired skills and experience on your resume or during your interview! Employers are looking for candidates who have gone above and beyond the status quo. What will you have to offer?
Community Service: Students will participate in a service learning experience with a focus complementing their interests and academic pursuits. This experience should help student understand how they fit within the larger community, how their work connects them to the community, and how their efforts can impact the community. Many different types of opportunities are available.