Applying for external scholarships to attend Washburn University is easier than ever thanks to our new scholarship-matching tool, ScholarshipUniverse. The platform allows current and admitted students to match with scholarships that fit them best, rather than having to search through the perfect scholarship options. Please follow these instructions to log on to ScholarshipUniverse with your MyWashburn account and apply for scholarship opportunities each year.
Note: Washburn's internal scholarships, including department scholarships, will be coming to ScholarshipUniverse in the near future, as well!
Go to ScholarshipUniverse
Step 1: Student Log In
Current and admitted students can log into ScholarshipUniverse using your MyWashburn username and password. If you haven’t already applied to Washburn, do so at becomeanichabod.washburn.edu.
Note: To reset your password, contact support@washburn.edu or 785.670.3000. Please provide (or prepare to provide) your WIN, phone number and home address or date of birth.
Step 2: Your Dashboard
Your ScholarshipUniverse dashboard shows an overview of your scholarship opportunities and items that require your attention. Use the dropdown menu on the left side of your computer screen to navigate the different sections. The menu may be located at the top of the screen if accessed on your smart device.
View mobile dashboard screen capture.Step 3: Matching Questions
If this is your first time logging into ScholarshipUniverse, you will automatically be prompted to begin answering "Matching Questions." These questions will narrow down the available scholarship options and match you with all scholarships for which you meet the minimum qualifications. The more questions you answer, the better we can custom tailor the scholarship opportunities that best fit you. To begin answering Matching Questions, select "Questions" from the user menu on the left. From there, you can answer more questions and view or edit your current answers.
Step 4: Scholarship Opportunities
You can view your scholarship opportunities by selecting "Scholarships" in the dropdown user menu. This section shows all scholarship opportunities available to you currently.
On this screen, you also can click through several tabs to get a more tailored view of your scholarship options, including:
- Matches - Scholarships you match with and can apply to receive.
- Pinned - Scholarships that you have previously pinned to your account.
- Partial Matches - Scholarships for which you match at least one requirement.
- Application Submitted - Scholarships you have applied to receive.
- Awarded - Scholarships you have been awarded.
- Non-Matches - Scholarships that you don’t meet the basic requirements to receive.
- Not Interested - Scholarships for which you’ve marked not interested in applying.
Note: You can click the "Apply" button next to any scholarship listed on the "Matches" tab to go directly to the required application.
Step 5: Apply for Scholarships
From the user menu, select the "Applications" option. There are three tabs to choose from on this screen:
- Ready to Start - Lists all applications you are eligible to apply for based on the answers you provided under the Matching Questions section.
- In Progress - Lists all applications you have started but not finished.
- Submitted - Lists all applications you have successfully submitted.
IMPORTANT: You cannot edit an application once it has been submitted, so read through the application thoroughly before clicking "Submit"
Some applications allow you to apply for multiple scholarships at once. You can view the number of scholarships you are applying for under the name of that application. A dropdown arrow will show you the names of the individual scholarships, as well.
Note: External scholarships will not appear under the "Applications" and "Awards" menus as they are a third-party application.
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Topeka, KS 66621
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