Filing a complaint
This purpose of this page is to allow Washburn University students, faculty, staff, and visitors to report discrimination as quickly as possible. Details about the type of behavior that may be considered discriminatory (e.g., harassment, sexual violence) and prohibited can be found within the Non-Discrimination - (Harassment, Sexual violence, and Retaliation) Policy. Washburn University's complaint process can be found below under the heading 'There are a number of ways to file a complaint.' Complaints may be filed in person, electronically, or by U.S. Postal Service; choose the option that is best for you. Complaints can be filed by the person who experiences the discriminatory behavior or someone who observes the behavior.
If you experience or if you observe behavior that places you or another individual in danger, CALL 911 or WASHBURN UNIVERISTY POLICE at 785.670.1300.
There are a number of ways to file a complaint
If you would like to complete a PDF form and mail it to Washburn University's Equal Opportunity Director/Title IX Coordinator, Click Here Please write CONFIDENTIAL on the envelope. The form should either be mailed or hand delivered to:
Equal Opportunity Director
Morgan Hall, 200K
Washburn University
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
If you would like to file a complaint in person, call (785) 670-1509 to make an appointment, or drop off a completed complaint form to:
Equal Opportunity Director/Title IX Coordinator
Morgan Hall, 200K
Washburn University
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
If you drop off a completed form and the Equal Opportunity Director/Title IX Coordinator is not available, you will be contacted to schedule a meeting at a time that is convenient for you.
If you do not want to file a complaint, but you would like to talk to someone about what has happened to you, you may keep your issue/concern
confidential if you report it to Student Health and Counseling Services (785) 670-1470, Morgan Hall 140.
Click here for a list of additional resources available to help you.
Additional Resources

It's Not OK Video

Campus & Community Resources
- PDF listing of additional resources both on and off campus
Rights and Options under the Cleary Act PDF

Community Safety Climate Survey
Title IX Process Training
GET IN TOUCH WITH the Office of Equal Opportunity
Morgan Hall, Room 200K
1700 SW College Ave
Topeka, Kansas 66621
Phone & Email