I. Statement on Academic Freedom
III. Faculty Responsibilities
IV. Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment/Harassment Policies and Procedures
V. Faculty Recruitment
A. Establishing the Position
1 College of Arts and Sciences
2 School of Law
3 School of Applied Studies
4 School of Nursing
5 School of Business
B. Recruitment Expense
C. Appointment Contract
D. Tenure/Non-Tenure Tracks
VI. Electronic Records
VII. Nepotism/Conflict of Interest Policy
VIII. History of Changes
I. Statement on Academic Freedom
Washburn University strives to promote the search for truth and its free exposition and thus to provide the best education possible for its students. Academic freedom is for the furtherance of these purposes and applies both to teaching and research. Freedom in research is fundamental to the advancement of law and fact. Academic freedom in its teaching aspect is fundamental for the protection of the rights of the teacher in teaching and of the student to freedom in learning. Academic freedom carries with it duties correlative with the rights.
A. The faculty member is entitled to full freedom in research and in the publication of the results subject to performance of his/her other academic duties, but research for pecuniary return should be based upon University policy as stated in the Faculty Handbook (see Sections and Five II and Six I).
B. Faculty are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subjects and must exercise professional judgment in selecting the material they wish to use.
C. The Washburn University faculty member is a member of a learned profession and an academic member of an educational institution. When the faculty member speaks or writes as an individual he/she is free from institutional censorship or discipline and must avoid identification of Washburn University with his/her words or acts as an individual. As a person of learning, the faculty member must remember that the public may judge the profession and Washburn University by his/her utterances. Hence, the faculty should at all times endeavor to be accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should avoid indication that he/she is an institutional spokesman unless he/she has been so designated.
(Based on HLC Assumed Practices and Washburn existing practices) Faculty must possess an academic degree relevant to the discipline/field they are teaching and must be at least one level of education above the level of education they teach, except in programs for terminal degrees or when equivalent experience is established. Additional qualifications may be required and will be determined as appropriate by academic discipline or unit. In terminal degree programs, faculty members possess the same level of degree. If a faculty member holds a master’s degree or higher in a related discipline or subfield other than that in which he or she is teaching, that faculty member should have completed a minimum of 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline or subfield in which they teach.
Qualified faculty members are identified primarily by credentials, but other factors, including but not limited to equivalent experience, may be considered in determining whether a faculty member is qualified. For accredited programs, when faculty members are employed based on equivalent experience, professional experience (work/clinical experience) is defined by the specialized accreditation organization. For programs without specialized accreditation, professional experience is defined by the individual college or school but can be no less than a minimum of three years full-time work or employment in the field directly related to the area of instruction. In some specialized courses, a specialty license may be substituted for the experience requirement. Justification submitted for professional experience equivalence must include how the course instructor meets or exceeds the academic requirements for the course(s) to be taught. Exceptions to the academic credential must always be approved in writing by the academic dean and the Vice President for Academic Affairs before the individual will be allowed to teach at Washburn University.
Each faculty member is a member of a learned profession and an academic member of the University responsible for the mastery of and a continuing commitment to a subject discipline, the competent transmission of it to students and the exercise of professional judgment concerning curriculum, instructional content and methods, research, faculty status and those aspects of student life which relate to the educational process. Faculty members of each department of the College and of the Schools are responsible to the Dean of those academic units for the orderly and competent conduct of classes within the department or the school concerned.
IV. Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment/Harassment Policies and Procedures
Please review the official Washburn University policies and procedures in the Washburn University Policies, Regulations, and Procedures Manual Section A. 1-4.
A. Establishing the Position
1. College of Arts and Sciences
a. Position Announcement
In the College of Arts and Sciences, the department chairperson will review departmental objectives and consult with the Dean in determining the nature of the position open, including educational level and rank recommendations. The Dean will secure approval of salary range, position description and position announcement particulars from the Vice President for Academic Affairs following consultation with the Equal Opportunity Director and approval by the President. The Dean will provide the Equal Opportunity Director and the Vice President for Academic Affairs appropriate professional recruitment sources. All advertising must be approved by the Equal Opportunity Director. All advertising for which a charge is made to the University will be issued through the Vice President for Academic Affairs office. The Vice President for Academic Affairs office will maintain a record of all advertising and recruitment efforts. A position announcement will be distributed to appropriate departments, schools and organizations throughout the United States by the Dean, unless otherwise directed by the Equal Opportunity Director. Steps must be taken to reach a diverse pool of applicants. Notification of the position will be made to the Kansas State Employment Center and other appropriate agencies and sources by the Vice President for Academic Affairs office. The Dean may delegate any of his/her responsibilities in this section to the department chair.
b. Selection of Candidates for Visitation on Campus
A search committee will be appointed by the Dean. Following discussion with department faculty when possible, the chairperson will recommend a search committee to the Dean. Normally, the committee will consist of a minimum of three (3) full-time faculty members. In those instances in which there is an insufficient number of faculty available within the department to constitute a search committee, the department may also recommend for the committee non-University persons with professional expertise. Following consultation with the University's Equal Opportunity Director, the search committee will review all applications, check references, and identify the top candidates, in order of preference, and submit the names to the department chairperson. The department chairperson, in turn, will forward this information and his/her recommendation to the Dean. The Dean, will, in consultation with the chair and the committee, invite candidate(s) to campus for an interview. At any point, the committee or chairperson may recommend to the Dean to terminate the search process. The Dean may delegate any of his/her responsibilities in this section to the department chair.
c. The On-Campus Visit
The Dean, the department chairperson and available faculty members of the department will have the opportunity to interview the candidate. Whenever possible the Vice President for Academic Affairs will also meet with the candidate. It is expected that a candidate will remain on campus for at least one day. Where appropriate and possible, appropriate community groups will meet with the candidates. Candidates will normally have the opportunity to visit classes, to talk with students, to make a presentation to classes or other groups, etc. The Dean may delegate any of his/her responsibilities in this section to the department chair.
d. Issuance of Contract
Following the on-campus interview, the search committee will forward to the department chairperson its recommendation whether to invite a candidate to join the faculty. The department chairperson, in turn, will forward the committee's recommendation and his/her recommendation to the Dean. The Dean will review both recommendations and will determine whether to offer the candidate a contract or to invite another candidate for a campus interview. The administrative review of the Dean's recommendation by the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office is a review of the recruitment and selection process, not an evaluation of the recommended candidate. After this review, the recommendation will be forwarded to the President. After the President has approved the recommendation, the contract will be prepared and sent to the candidate by the Vice President for Academic Affairs office. When the position is not in the budget as a line position, or when the salary proposed exceeds the budgeted amount for the line into which the person is to be hired, the contract proposed will also require approval by the Board of Regents unless the salary amount is less than 10% above the budgeted amount. In such cases, approval of the President is required. The Dean may delegate any of his/her responsibilities on this section to the department chair.
e. Flow Chart - Procedures for Recruitment/Selection of Faculty, College of Arts and Sciences
- Faculty position vacancy
- Chairperson/Dean agree on nature of position
- Dean consults with Equal Opportunity Director who will normally consult with the Vice President for Academic Affairs regarding salary, position announcement, and recruitment procedures
- Vice President for Academic Affairs approves/disapproves position
- President approves/disapproves position.
- Vice President for Academic Affairs office issues advertising
- Dean appoints search committee
- Search committee elects chairperson
- Search committee consults Equal Opportunity Director regarding procedures
- Search committee reviews applications, checks references
- Search committee ranks top candidates by consensus
- Search committee submits names of top candidates to department chairperson
- Department chairperson submits his/her recommendation and recommendation of search committee to Dean
- Dean invites top candidate(s) for interview
- Vice President for Academic Affairs office, upon request of Dean, will make reservations and initiate purchase order requisition for payment
- Campus interview conducted
- Search committee recommends to department chairperson whether to offer contract to candidate
- Department chairperson recommends to Dean whether to offer contract to candidate and also forwards search committee's recommendation to Dean
- Dean determines whether to extend contract offer or to invite another candidate for interview
- Dean forwards recommendation to Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Vice President for Academic Affairs acts upon Dean's recommendation and issues contract if approved
- Board of Regents approves/disapproves contract
The Dean may delegate any of his/her responsibilities to the department chair.
a. Position Announcement
The Dean, in consultation with the Faculty Recruitment Committee, will determine the nature of the position open, including the educational level and rank recommendations. The Dean will secure approval of the salary range, position description and position announcement particulars from the Vice President for Academic Affairs following consultation with the Equal Opportunity Director and approval by the President. The Dean's office will initiate advertisements in legally-related publications, notifying the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office which must maintain the central record of all recruitment efforts. The Dean will also provide the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Equal Opportunity Director information necessary to initiate other advertising. All advertising must be approved by the Equal Opportunity Director. A position announcement will be distributed to appropriate organizations throughout the United States by the Chair of the Faculty Recruitment Committee or the Dean, unless otherwise directed by the Equal Opportunity Director. Steps must be taken to reach a diverse pool of applicants. Notification of the position will be made to the Kansas State Employment Center and other appropriate agencies and sources by the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office.
b. Selection of Candidates for Visitation on Campus
The Dean will appoint a Faculty Recruitment Committee (search committee) composed of members of the faculty of the Law School, and the committee may contain a student representative. Normally, the committee will consist of a minimum of three (3) full-time faculty members. With the approval of the Dean, the school may include on the committee non-University persons with professional expertise. Following consultation with the University's Equal Opportunity Director, the search committee will review all applications. The committee may also review resumes of registrants for the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Faculty Recruitment Conference. Representatives of the Committee may attend the Recruitment Conference and interview selected registrants at that conference. The Committee will rank the top candidates in order of preference and submit the names to the Dean who will then invite any selected candidate(s) to the campus for a campus interview. The Dean should, in other than exceptional circumstances and for reasons communicated to the search committee in writing, invite the candidates to campus for an interview in the order presented by the search committee. At any point, the committee may recommend to the Dean to terminate the search process.
c. The On-Campus Visit
The Dean and available faculty members of the school will have the opportunity to interview the candidate. Whenever possible the Vice President for Academic Affairs will also meet with the candidate. The Dean or search committee may wish for other persons to meet with the candidate; for instance, it may be desirable for individuals in cognate areas to interview the candidate. It is expected that a candidate will remain on campus for at least one day. Where appropriate and possible, appropriate community groups will meet with the candidates. Candidates will normally have the opportunity to visit classes, to talk with students, make a presentation to classes or other groups, etc.
d. Issuance of Contract
The Faculty Recruitment Committee will forward to the full faculty the name of the candidate it recommends be invited to join the faculty. The faculty will then vote on this recommendation and forward the full faculty recommendation to the Dean. The Dean, in other than exceptional circumstances and for reasons communicated to the faculty in writing, will accept the recommendation of the faculty. Before extending a contract offer, the Dean will confer with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, concerning salary, rank, and other administrative matters. The administrative review of the Dean's recommendation is a review of the recruitment and selection process, not an evaluation of the recommended candidate. After this review, the recommendation will be forwarded to the President. After the President has approved the recommendation, the contract will be prepared and sent to the candidate by the Vice President for Academic Affairs office. When the position is not in the budget as a line position, or when the salary proposed exceeds the budgeted amount for the line into which the person is to be hired, the contract proposed will also require approval by the Board of Regents unless the salary amount is less than 10% above the budgeted amount. In such cases, approval of the President is required with notification to the Board of Regents.
e. Flow Chart - Procedures for Recruitment/Selection of Faculty, School of Law
- Faculty position vacancy
- Dean determines nature of position
- Dean consults with Equal Opportunity Director who will normally consult with the Vice President for Academic Affairs regarding salary, position announcement, and recruitment procedures
- Vice President for Academic Affairs approves/disapproves position
- President approves/disapproves position
- Dean's and Vice President for Academic Affairs office initiate advertising
- Recruitment committee consults Equal Opportunity Director regarding procedures
- Recruitment committee reviews applications and AALS registrants
- Recruitment committee determines candidates to be invited to campus (usually after attendance at Recruitment Conference)
- Dean invites candidate for interview
- Dean's office will make reservations and initiate purchase order requisition for payment and forward requisition to Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Campus interviews conducted
- Recruitment Committee recommends to faculty name(s) of candidate(s) to be extended offer
- Faculty votes on recommendation and forwards its recommendation to Dean
- Dean concurs/non-concurs with faculty recommendation
- Dean determines specific terms of contract and recommends to the Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Vice President for Academic Affairs reviews Dean's recommendation and forwards to President
- President acts upon recommendation and notifies Vice President for Academic Affairs to issue contract if approved
- Board of Regents approves/disapproves contract
a. Position Announcement
In the School of Applied Studies, the department chair will review departmental objectives and consult with the Dean in determining the nature of the position open, including educational level and rank recommendations. The Dean will secure approval of salary range, position description and position announcement particulars from the Vice President for Academic Affairs following consultation with the Equal Opportunity Director and approval by the President. The Dean's office will provide the Equal Opportunity Director and the Vice President for Academic Affairs appropriate professional recruitment sources. All advertising must be approved by the Equal Opportunity Director. All advertising for which a charge is made to the University will be initiated through the Vice President for Academic Affairs office. The Vice President for Academic Affairs office will maintain a record of all advertising and recruitment efforts. A position announcement will be distributed to appropriate departments, schools and organizations throughout the United States by the Dean, unless otherwise directed by the Equal Opportunity Director. Steps must be taken to reach a diverse pool of applicants. Notification of the position will be made to the Kansas State Employment Center and other appropriate agencies and sources by the Vice President for Academic Affairs office.
b. Selection of Candidates for Visitation on Campus
A search committee will be appointed by the Dean. The chair will recommend a search committee to the Dean. Normally, the committee will consist of a minimum of three (3) full-time faculty members from the department and one member outside the department. In those instances in which there is an insufficient number of faculty available within the department to constitute a search committee, faculty from cognate areas may be asked to serve on the search committee. The Dean will approve these cognate areas. With the approval of the Dean, the department may also include on the committee non-University persons with professional expertise. Following consultation with the University's Equal Opportunity Director, the search committee will review all applications, check references and identify the top candidates for the position. The search committee will rank the top candidates in order of preference and submit the names to the Dean. The Dean should, in other than exceptional circumstances and for reasons communicated to the search committee in writing, invite the candidates to campus for an interview in the order presented by the search committee. At any point, the committee may recommend to the Dean to terminate the search process.
c. The On-Campus Visit
The Dean and available faculty members of the department will have the opportunity to interview the candidate. Whenever possible the Vice President for Academic Affairs will also meet with the candidate. The Dean or search committee may wish for other persons to meet with the candidate; for instance, it may be desirable for individuals in cognate areas or a librarian to interview the candidate. It is expected that a candidate will remain on campus for at least one day. Where appropriate and possible, appropriate community groups will meet with the candidates. Candidates will normally have the opportunity to visit classes, to talk with students, to make a presentation to classes or other groups, etc.
d. Issuance of Contract
The search committee will forward to the Dean its recommendation whether to invite a candidate to join the faculty. The Dean will review the recommendation of the search committee and will determine whether to offer the candidate a contract or to invite another candidate to campus for an interview. Before extending a contract offer, the Dean will confer with the Vice President for Academic Affairs concerning salary, rank, and other administrative matters. The administrative review of the Dean's recommendation by the Vice President for Academic Affairs office is a review of the recruitment and selection process, not an evaluation of the recommended candidate. After this review, the recommendation will be forwarded to the President. After the President has approved the recommendation, the contract will be prepared and sent to the candidate by the Vice President for Academic Affairs office. When the position is not in the budget as a line position, or when the salary proposed exceeds the budgeted amount for the line into which the person is to be hired, the contract proposed will also require approval by the Board of Regents unless the salary amount is less than 10% above the budgeted amount. In such cases, approval of the President is required.
e. Flow Chart - Procedures for Recruitment/Selection of Faculty, School of Applied Studies
- Faculty position vacancy
- Chair and Dean agree on nature of position
- Dean consults with Equal Opportunity Director who will normally consult with the Vice President for Academic Affairs regarding salary, position announcement, and recruitment procedures
- Vice President for Academic Affairs approves/disapproves position
- President approves/disapproves position
- Vice President for Academic Affairs office initiates advertising
- Dean appoints search committee
- Search committee elects chairperson
- Search committee consults Equal Opportunity Director regarding procedure
- Search committee reviews applications, checks references
- Search committee ranks top candidates by consensus and submits list to Dean
- Dean invites candidate for interview
- Vice President for Academic Affairs office, upon request of Dean, will make reservations and initiate purchase order requisition for payment
- Campus interview conducted
- Search committee recommends to department chair whether to offer contract to candidate
- Department chair forwards his/her recommendation and recommendation of the committee to the Dean.
- Dean determines whether to extend contract offer or to invite another candidate for interview
- Dean determines specific terms of contract and forwards a recommend to Vice President for Academic Affairs for administrative review
- Vice President for Academic Affairs reviews Dean's recommendation and returns to the Dean
- Dean forwards recommendation to President
- President acts upon Dean's recommendation and notifies Vice President for Academic Affairs to issue contract if approved
- Board of Regents approves/disapproves contract
a. Position Announcement
In the School of Nursing, the Dean will review School objectives and determine the nature of the position open, including educational level and rank recommendations. The Dean will secure approval of salary range, position description and position announcement particulars from the Vice President for Academic Affairs following consultation with the Equal Opportunity Director and approval by the President. The Dean's office will provide the Equal Opportunity Director and the Vice President for Academic Affairs appropriate professional recruitment sources. All advertising must be approved by the Equal Opportunity Director. All advertising for which a charge is made to the University will be initiated through the Vice President for Academic Affairs office. The Vice President for Academic Affairs office will maintain a record of all advertising and recruitment efforts. A position announcement will be distributed to appropriate departments, schools and organizations throughout the United States by the Dean, unless otherwise directed by the Equal Opportunity Director. Steps must be taken to reach a diverse pool of applicants. Notification of the position will be made to the Kansas State Employment Center and other appropriate agencies and sources by the Vice President for Academic Affairs office.
b. Selection of Candidates for Visitation on Campus
A search committee will be appointed by the Dean. Normally, the committee will consist of a minimum of three (3) full-time faculty members. In those instances in which there is an insufficient number of faculty available within the school to constitute a search committee, faculty from cognate areas may be asked to serve on the search committee. The Dean will approve these cognate areas. With the approval of the Dean, the school may also include on the committee non-University persons with professional expertise. Following consultation with the University's Equal Opportunity Director, the search committee will review all applications, check references and identify the top candidates for the position. The search committee will rank the top candidates in order of preference and submit the names to the Dean. The Dean should, in other than exceptional circumstances and for reasons communicated to the search committee in writing, invite the candidates to campus for an interview in the order presented by the search committee. At any point, the committee may recommend to the Dean to terminate the search process.
c. The On-Campus Visit
The Dean and available faculty members of the school will have the opportunity to interview the candidate. Whenever possible the Vice President for Academic Affairs will also meet with the candidate. The Dean or search committee may wish for other persons to meet with the candidate; for instance, it may be desirable for individuals in cognate areas or a librarian to interview the candidate. It is expected that a candidate will remain on campus for at least one day. Where appropriate and possible, appropriate community groups will meet with the candidates. Candidates will normally have the opportunity to visit classes, to talk with students, to make a presentation to classes or other groups, etc.
d. Issuance of Contract
The search committee will forward to the Dean its recommendation of the search committee and will determine whether to offer the candidate a contract or to invite another candidate to campus for an interview. Before extending a contract offer, the Dean will consult with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, concerning salary, rank, and other administrative matters. The administrative review of the Dean's recommendation by the Vice President for Academic Affairs office is a review of the recruitment and selection process, not an evaluation of the recommended candidate. After this review, the recommendation will be forwarded to the President. After the President has approved the recommendation, the contract will be prepared and sent to the candidate by the Vice President for Academic Affairs office. When the position is not in the budget as a line position, or when the salary proposed exceeds the budgeted amount for the line into which the person is to be hired, the contract proposed will also require approval by the Board of Regents unless the salary amount is less than 10% above the budgeted amount. In such cases, approval of the President is required.
e. Flow Chart - Procedures for Recruitment/Selection of Faculty, School of Nursing
- Faculty position vacancy
- Dean determines nature of position
- Dean consults with Equal Opportunity Director who will normally consult with the Vice President for Academic Affairs regarding salary, position announcement, and recruitment procedures
- Vice President for Academic Affairs approves/disapproves position
- President approves/disapproves position
- Vice President for Academic Affairs office initiates advertising
- Dean appoints search committee
- Search committee elects chairperson
- Search committee consults Equal Opportunity Director regarding procedures
- Search committee reviews applications, checks references
- Search committee ranks top candidates by consensus and submits list to Dean
- Dean invites candidate for interview
- Vice President for Academic Affairs office, upon request of Dean, will make reservations and initiate purchase order requisition for payment
- Campus interview conducted
- Search committee recommends to Dean whether to offer contract to candidate
- Dean determines whether to extend contract offer or to invite another candidate for interview
- Dean determines specific terms of contract and forwards a recommendation to Vice President for Academic Affairs for administrative review
- Vice President for Academic Affairs reviews Dean's recommendation and returns to the Dean
- Dean forwards recommendation to President
- President acts upon Dean's recommendation and notifies Vice President for Academic Affairs to issue contract if approved
- Board of Regents approves/disapproves contract
a. Position Announcement
In the School of Business, the Dean will review School objectives and determine the nature of the position open, including educational level and rank recommendations. The Dean will secure approval of salary range, position description and position announcement particulars from the Vice President for Academic Affairs following consultation with the Equal Opportunity Director and approval by the President. The Dean's office will provide the Equal Opportunity Director and the Vice President for Academic Affairs appropriate professional recruitment sources. All advertising must be approved by the Equal Opportunity Director. All advertising for which a charge is made to the University will be initiated through the Vice President for Academic Affairs office. The Vice President for Academic Affairs office will maintain a record of all advertising and recruitment efforts. A position announcement will be distributed to appropriate departments, schools and organizations throughout the United States by the Dean, unless otherwise directed by the Equal Opportunity Director. Steps must be taken to reach a diverse pool of applicants. Notification of the position will be made to the Kansas State Employment Center and other appropriate agencies and sources by the Vice President for Academic Affairs office.
b. Selection of Candidates for Visitation on Campus
A search committee will be appointed by the Dean. Normally, the committee will consist of a minimum of three (3) full-time faculty members. In those instances in which there is an insufficient number of faculty available within the school to constitute a search committee, faculty from cognate areas may be asked to serve on the search committee. The Dean will approve these cognate areas. With the approval of the Dean, the school may also include on the committee non-University persons with professional expertise. Following consultation with the University's Equal Opportunity Director, the search committee will review all applications, check references and identify the top candidates for the position. The search committee will rank the top candidates in order of preference and submit the names to the Dean. The Dean should, in other than exceptional circumstances and for reasons communicated to the search committee in writing, invite the candidates to campus for an interview in the order presented by the search committee. At any point, the committee may recommend to the Dean to terminate the search process.
c. The On-Campus Visit
The Dean and available faculty members of the school will have the opportunity to interview the candidate. Whenever possible the Vice President for Academic Affairs will also meet with the candidate. The Dean or search committee may wish for other persons to meet with the candidate; for instance, it may be desirable for individuals in cognate areas or a librarian to interview the candidate. It is expected that a candidate will remain on campus for at least one day. Where appropriate and possible, appropriate community groups will meet with the candidates. Candidates will normally have the opportunity to visit classes, to talk with students, to make a presentation to classes or other groups, etc.
d. Issuance of Contract
The search committee will forward to the Dean its recommendation whether to invite a candidate to join the faculty. The Dean will review the recommendation of the search committee and will determine whether to offer the candidate a contract or to invite another candidate to campus for an interview. Before extending a contract offer, the Dean will confer with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, concerning salary, rank, and other administrative matters. This administrative review of the Dean's recommendation by the Vice President for Academic Affairs office is a review of the recruitment and selection process, not an evaluation of the recommended candidate. After this review, the recommendation will be forwarded to the President. After the President has approved the recommendation, the contract will be prepared and sent to the candidate by the Vice President for Academic Affairs office. When the position is not in the budget as a line position, or when the salary proposed exceeds the budgeted amount for the line into which the person is to be hired, the contract proposed will also require approval by the Board of Regents unless the salary amount is less than 10% above the budgeted amount. In such cases, approval of the President is required.
e. Flow Chart - Procedures for Recruitment/Selection of Faculty, School of Business
- Faculty position vacancy
- Dean determines nature of position
- Dean consults with Equal Opportunity Director who will normally consult with the Vice President for Academic Affairs regarding salary/position announcement/recruitment procedure
- Vice President for Academic Affairs approves/disapproves position
- President approves/disapproves position
- Vice President for Academic Affairs office initiates advertising
- Dean appoints search committee
- Search committee elects chairperson
- Search committee consults Equal Opportunity Director regarding procedures
- Search committee reviews applications, checks references
- Search committee ranks top candidates by consensus and submits list to Dean
- Dean invites candidate for interview
- Vice President for Academic Affairs office, upon request of Dean, will make reservations and initiate purchase order requisition for payment
- Campus interview conducted
- Search committee recommends to Dean whether to offer contract to candidate
- Dean determines whether to extend contract offer or to invite another candidate for interview
- Dean determines specific terms of contract and forwards a recommendation to Vice President for Academic Affairs for administrative review
- Vice President for Academic Affairs reviews Dean's recommendation and returns to the Dean
- Dean forwards recommendation to President
- President acts upon Dean's recommendation and notifies Vice President for Academic Affairs to issue contract if approved
- Board of Regents approves/disapproves contract
The University will pay reasonable candidacy expenses -- transportation, lodging, meals -- for faculty prospects when invited for interview and upon expression of definite interest in the opening and its conditions of service.
Faculty members are offered an appointment contract stating the term of the employment within a fiscal year, the salary (the schedule of payments will be noted on the copy returned to the faculty member), supplementary benefits, if any, and other agreed upon terms and conditions of the faculty member's employment. The contract proffered to the faculty member shall become binding and effective only after: (a) for newly appointed faculty, approval by the Board of Regents; and, (b) for other faculty members, approval of the official University budget following public hearing.
D. Tenure and Non-Tenure Appointment Tracks
A full-time faculty member shall be placed on one of two tracks: (1) Tenure track; or, (2) Non-tenure track.
1. Tenure Track
Faculty members who are placed on the tenure track may be eligible to petition for the award of tenure in accordance with University Bylaws. Faculty members on the tenure track are serving a probationary period and may be non-reappointed at any time.
2. Non-Tenure Track
Faculty members on the non-tenure track are not eligible to petition for the award of tenure and may be non-reappointed at any time. Faculty members may be reappointed to successive one-year appointments up to a maximum period of time specified in the initial appointment.
Please refer to Section Three of this handbook for details about terms and conditions for tenure.
A. Washburn University requires electronic records on employees, including all faculty, to be maintained for many purposes, such as retirement eligibility, disability insurance requirements, OASI information, and employment verification.
B. The office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs maintains faculty personnel information including data on instructional experience, academic attainment and work experience information for general use. Each faculty member is responsible for completing the required forms and for keeping his/her personnel records up to date in the respective office.
VII. Nepotism/Conflict of Interest Policy
(For additional information see Appendix XIII) Persons may be appointed to exempt or non-exempt positions without regard to family relationship to other members of faculty or staff. If a person is in a position which requires an evaluation on a personnel decision such as those concerning appointment, retention, promotion, tenure or salary of a close relative, such condition shall be deemed a conflict of interest and that person shall not participate in any group or body which is considering any such decision. Note: Close relative is interpreted in this policy to include spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, or any individual for whom a faculty or staff member has been assigned legal responsibility in a guardianship capacity.
VIII. History of Changes to Section Two
20 April 2007
Parts III and IV were replaced after the policies for the Equal Opportunity Policy and the Sexual Harassment and Harassment Policy were approved by the Washburn Board of Regents 11 November 2005.
27 April 2017
Part VII Professional Ethics relocated to Section 6 Part 1 and updated based on most current AAUP statement of professional ethics. Approved by General Faculty 27 April 2017.
28 January 2018
Part II Created. Added policy regarding minimum qualifications for faculty as part of approval of update of adjunct faculty qualifications. Approved by General Faculty 28 January 2018.