Payroll Office
In the Payroll Office our mission is simple: to ensure every member of our university community gets paid accurately and on time while upholding all regulations and policies. Whether you're a new hire or a seasoned staff member, we're here to make navigating payroll a breeze. Explore our services and reach out if you need any assistance—we're here to help!
Payroll Change of Address
Annual tax forms are mailed to your permanent address on file. You can change your address on file through your employee dashboard on my.washburn.edu. Previous employees can change their address by either calling or visiting the Payroll Office.Payroll Statement (Pay Stub)
You can view your pay stub via your Employee Dashboard on my.washburn.edu. Previous employees can request prior pay stubs by calling or visiting the Payroll Office.W-2 Wage & Tax Statement
All W2's are mailed to your permanent address on file by January 31. You can view your W2 via your Employee Dashboard on my.washburn.edu. Previous employees can request duplicate/replacement W2's by filling out the Request for Duplicate Form W2. Be sure to follow all directions on the form, failure to do so will result in the Payroll Office not processing your request.
Payroll Staff
Alex Deters, Director of Accounting
Michele Drees, Assistant Director, Payroll
Katy Cairns, Accounts Specialist, Payroll
Whitney Watson, Accounts Specialist, Payroll
Mission and Regulations
The mission of the payroll office is to ensure that all employees of the University are paid timely and accurately while maintaining compliance with federal, state and University regulations and policies. Unfortunately in our current times of identity theft, for your security we may require you to visit our office (showing a photo ID) to make certain changes to your information and/or releasing any information. We understand that this may be a bit inconvenient but we must keep your personal data secure. Visiting the payroll office is considered part of your employee duties and supervisors should allow you time to conduct your payroll business during your normal working hours.
GET IN TOUCH WITH the Payroll Office
Payroll Office
Morgan Hall Room 212
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email
Phone: 785-670-2039
Fax: 785-670-1054