MBA 3+2 Program
Get ahead and realize tremendous educational and career preparation benefits by taking advantage of the early admission graduate program Master of Business Administration 3+2 track offered to current Washburn undergraduate School of Business students and in some cases non-business undergraduate students. Get a head-start on graduate-level MBA courses while completing the remainder of your undergraduate BBA degree. With the 3+2 track, it is possible to earn your MBA and BBA simultaneously or earn your MBA within just months of completing your BBA.
If you meet all admission criteria listed below, consider applying today. If you're interested in applying in the future and haven't yet met all admission criteria or have questions, please reach out. In-person, Zoom or telephone informational meeting timeslots are available if you prefer to discuss the MBA program and 3+2 early admission option in more detail.
*MBA 3+2 applicants are able to skip the GMAT graduate program entrance exam and pay no MBA program application fee.
**In some cases, it is possible for non-Business undergraduate students to begin taking select MBA courses simultaneously with remaining undergraduate courses (3+2 early admission track), including and if applicable, 500-level foundational pre-MBA courses intended for the non-Business undergraduate major. Interested individuals must consult with the MBA Program Director to determine if the non-Business background 3+2 early admission option is a possibility.

What is the MBA 3+2?
The 3+2 MBA program provides the opportunity for high-achieving undergraduate Business students to be eligible for early admittance to the MBA program, allowing them to begin their MBA courses while completing their final degree requirements for their undergraduate (BBA or BA Economics) degree.
This program gives you a jump-start on your career timeline by allowing full or partial completion of the graduate MBA program during your undergraduate senior year. Any remaining graduate MBA courses can be completed comfortably in 12 months or less, after earning your BBA degree. MBA 3+2 students automatically qualify for a GMAT entrance exam waiver and pay no graduate program application fee.
The MBA 3+2 program allows for an earlier, quicker and more efficient MBA completion path. Earn your graduate-level master’s degree credential sooner and put your career and earning potential on an accelerated path.
Students should apply for the MBA 3+2 option during their undergraduate junior year during the semester in which (or after) they will have met the following requirements, with the intent to begin taking MBA graduate-level classes during their undergraduate senior year:
Note: Students already in their undergraduate senior year are still eligible to apply for the 3+2 option as long as the requirements below are met.
MBA 3+2 Option Admission Requirements:
- Admission to the Washburn School of Business (declared undergraduate major)
- Completion of 90 undergraduate credit hours by the semester beginning the MBA 3+2 option
- Completion of the following courses:
- MA 116 College Algebra or equivalent
- MA 140 Statistics
- EC 200 Principles of Microeconomics
- EC 211 Statistics for Business and Economics
- AC 224 Financial Accounting
- AC 225 Managerial Accounting
- BU 250 Management Information Systems
- BU 342 Organization and Management
- BU 360 Principles of Marketing
- BU 381 Business Finance
- 3.0 or higher cumulative undergraduate grade point average at the time of application
For additional questions or to setup an informational meeting, contact Danny Funk, MBA Program Director.
- Notify the MBA Program Director, Danny Funk, of your intent to apply as a 3+2 MBA student.
- Your eligibility to apply as a 3+2 student will be verified and communicated to you after a review of your undergraduate record.
- After your 3+2 option eligibility is confirmed, submit a completed online MBA program general application for the term in which you intend to begin the MBA 3+2 option
- As part of the online application process, arrange for two letters of reference to be submitted by academicians, employers or other individuals who can attest to your potential for success in graduate study in Business.
- After all parts of the application are received, including both reference letters, your complete application file will be submitted for committee review; an admissions decision will be sent via e-mail within two weeks.
* MBA 3+2 option applicants automatically qualify for a Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) waiver.
* MBA 3+2 option applicants are not required to submit an unofficial or official undergraduate transcript as part of the MBA application process.
* MBA 3+2 option applicants are not required to pay an MBA program application fee.
Students must be enrolled in 6+ undergraduate hours in order to receive any undergraduate-specific federal aid or loans. Students must be enrolled in 12+ undergraduate hours to receive any general university academic scholarships awarded through the Financial Aid Office. If the student is enrolled in 6-11 undergraduate hours only, regardless of the number of graduate hours enrolled, the undergraduate federal aid and loans will be reduced to a pro-rated amount based on a less than full-time undergraduate courseload. General university academic scholarships cannot be pro-rated based on fewer than 12 enrolled undergraduate hours unless the student is in their final undergraduate semester.
School of Business undergraduate departmental scholarship award amounts will not be based solely on undergraduate hours.
Note: Undergraduate School of Business departmental scholarships will be pro-rated to a reduced amount only if a student is enrolled in fewer than 12 undergraduate and graduate hours combined.
Prior to applying, student athletes must first seek clearance from the Washburn Athletics compliance office (Director Lauren Frost) to ensure 3+2 early admission is possible due to undergraduate NCAA regulations. Additionally, athletics undergraduate scholarships/aid could be impacted if you are enrolled in fewer than 12 undergraduate hours.
Prospective 3+2 MBA students are advised to meet with the University Financial Aid Office to discuss any potential impacts to undergraduate financial aid prior to applying to the 3+2 MBA program.
Why consider a Washburn MBA degree?
- The MBA is one of the most versatile graduate management degrees providing professional and personal value to a broad range of individuals, particularly those with BBA undergraduate degrees, working in any job-type and industry.
- The MBA degree is a well-known and internationally respected credential most often cited by employers as being necessary to advance into the ranks of a management role. The Washburn MBA program has an organizational leadership and value-added management training focus. Those interested in small business ownership and other entrepreneurial pursuits also benefit greatly from the knowledge and skills acquired from the Washburn MBA program.
- According the GMAC Corporate Recruiters Survey: The national average base starting salary for recent MBA graduates in the U.S. in 2021 is $115,000 – 77 percent more than those with only a bachelor’s degree ($65,000).
Established, AACSB accredited program
- The Washburn MBA program is accredited through AACSB International, the premier accrediting agency of business schools worldwide; fewer than 5 percent of MBA programs worldwide earn this accreditation and quality distinction.
- The Washburn MBA program was established in 1982 and is among the oldest MBA programs in the area; Washburn University has served the region since 1865. The Washburn MBA program is designed to enhance your professional, managerial, communication and leadership skills.
A flexible program designed to fit your needs
- MBA 3+2 applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Students choose to begin the MBA program in January, June or August (based on 3+2 option requirements listed above).
- The 10 course/30 credit-hour MBA program offers a part-time or full-time option consisting of evening, in-person, virtual and hybrid attendance options. Students have the option of determining full- or part-time enrollment status from semester-to-semester to best accommodate their needs.
- Each in-person/virtual MBA course meets one evening per week, excluding Fridays and weekends, from 5:30-8:15 p.m.
- The MBA program offers a hybrid course modality approach: it is possible to complete all MBA courses either 100 percent virtually or traditionally in-person on-campus. Additionally, students have the option of blending virtual remote and in-person curriculums at their discretion, from week-to-week to best accommodate their circumstances.
- Note: The hybrid modality does not apply to undergraduate courses.
- Small class sizes are taught by highly-qualified faculty with real-world business experience.
- As a 3+2 student, it is possible to earn your MBA in less than 12-months after completing your bachelor’s degree.
- External internship opportunities satisfying one MBA general elective course are possible within the program curriculum.
Business fundamentals provided with elective specialization options
- MBA students are educated in key business subject areas and additionally have the option to choose an elective strategic focus in areas including accounting, entrepreneurship and innovation, finance, information systems, intelligence systems, data analytics, international business and international marketing. Enhance your MBA curriculum to align with your specific interests and career goals by choosing a strategic focus path.
GET IN TOUCH WITH School of Business
School of Business
Henderson Room 114
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email
Ph: 785.670.1308
Fax: 785-670-1063