Technical Specifications
Below are technical specifications for computers when using Desire2Learn, Respondus, Respondus LockDown Browser, or Respondus Monitor.
Online Education Support strongly recommends using a desktop or laptop computer for taking or building any Desire2Learn course. Mobile devices are used primarily for viewing materials in Desire2Learn.
Supported Native Browsers
Windows: Microsoft Edge
Mac: Safari (latest version)
For both Macs and Windows machines, an additional browser is recommended.
Supported Alternate Browsers
Firefox (latest version)
Chrome (latest version)
Operating Systems
Windows: Windows 8, or Windows 10
Mac: OSX (latest version)
Mobile operating systems tablet/phone
Android (latest version)
iOS (latest version)
Desire2Learn Faculty and Student training is located within Desire2Learn. Access Desire2Learn and go to your My Home. For student training, select Online Student Resource Center, then select Desire2Learn Orientation. Faculty will have an additional option from their D2L homepage labeled Faculty D2L Training. Additional D2L help documents can be accessed through the D2L Knowledge Base link at the top.
If you have questions regarding this information please contact Online Education Support by emailing online-ed-support@washburn.edu anytime or by calling 1-866-888-1272.
Faculty Online Course Access Guidelines/Procedures
Email the Technology Support Center
Email ITS Support
Call us for technical assistance
Visit the Help Desk
Located in Bennett, Room 104