Commitment to Washburn University’s Core Values of Inclusion and Respect
Washburn University commits itself to cultivating an inclusive learning, living, and working community, facilitating the success of all people , and supporting all individuals.
If you witness or experience conduct that discriminates, stereotypes, marginalizes, excludes, harasses or harms anyone in our community based on race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, veteran status, or marital or parental status please report it to the University.
The University values freedom of expression and the open exchange of ideas and, in particular, the expression of controversial ideas and differing views is a vital part of the University discourse. Please be aware that just because the expression of an idea or point of view may be offensive or inflammatory to some, it is not necessarily a violation of law or university policy. While this value of openness protects controversial ideas, it does not protect harassment or expressions of bias or hate aimed at individuals that violate the University’s Non-Discrimination Policy or the Student Conduct Code. Please know, support will be offered through the campus climate process even if the reported incident does not rise to the level of an official policy violation.
Reporting an incident
Those who have been the targets of, or who witness, a campus climate incident may use the online form to make the University aware of these incidents. After you submit a report, you will be contacted by a member of the Campus Climate Team in a timely manner. See our process for responding to a reported incident.
When reporting incidents please note the following:
Your privacy and confidentiality are very important to us. Your information will be handled discretely and in conformity with Washburn University privacy policies. This means that we may not be able to guarantee complete anonymity in cases involving safety or criminal action. All information about individuals or incidents will only be shared with individuals with a legitimate need to know. Washburn University has strong anti-retaliation policies that protect individuals who report incidents or cooperate in an investigation. We strongly encourage anyone reporting an incident provide either a phone number or an e-mail address so that we may contact you if there is a need for clarification or if additional questions or concerns arise. We would also like to provide care and outreach which is only possible if we can reach you.
However, you may choose to report anonymously. Anonymous reports limit our ability to do comprehensive assessment of the incident and provide appropriate care.
Confidential Support
Students may contact counseling professionals 24 hours a day by calling 785.670.3100 and choosing Option 2.
Employees may contact the Employee Assistance Program for confidential services by calling 800.624.5544.
Dr. Danny Wade, Assistant Provost for Faculty Development (Co-Chair)
Dr. Teresa Clounch, Associate Vice President for Student Life, Dean of Students, Diversity Officer (Co-Chair)
Danielle Dempsey-Swopes, J.D., Associate Dean for Student Affairs Washburn Law
Dr. Kelly Erby, Academic Diversity and Inclusion Committee Chair
Dr. Steven Bryant, Assistant Dean for Student Services Washburn Tech
Teresa Lee, Director Human Resources