USLO Assessment
Washburn University assesses five USLOs: Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT), Communication (COM), Global Citizenship, Ethics and Diversity (GED), Information Literacy and Technology (ILT), and Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning (QSR). Each USLO is assessed on a three-year rotation through course-embedded general education measures, and one measure targeted towards junior- and senior-level students. Course-embedded USLO individual student ratings are collected for approved General Education courses according to the cycle below. Each course has its own specific objectives, which will vary in number between courses, but all courses include a student summary score pertaining to the students’ overall standing with regards to the course USLO.
3-year cycle for USLO Assessment
- 2024-2025: COM and QSR
- 2025-2026: ILT and GED
- 2026-2027: CCT
USLO Score Reporting in General Education Courses
Starting in Fall 2024 scores will be reported in the Student Learning & Licensure module by Watermark Insights. You can also access this site on the Watermark tile in
University Wide Surveys
Washburn University collects assessment information through the use of institutional surveys. With the exception of the course evaluation and graduating student surveys completed by students, these surveys are completing on a rotating schedule, focusing on different populations/topics.
Institutional surveys: