• When I am applying to the University, which University Admissions form do I need to complete? Please complete the “Degree Seeking” application for undergraduate status to the University. After submitting your university application, declare “Certificate in Radiation Therapy” as your major or program.
  • I keep receiving emails from WU to register for summer and fall classes, should I register and if so where do I get my PIN number? All newly accepted students will receive enrollment instructions and PIN numbers by the end of May and will begin the program in the late summer session (2nd 5-Week Session). In addition, a listing of books is provided in the new class bulletin provided to each accepted student or they may be ordered/purchased at orientation.
  • How do I speak with someone in the Admission's Office?  Call 785.670.1030
  • Do I have to have an earned degree to start the program? Yes, all applicants must either have earned, OR will earn by program start date, an associate’s degree or higher from an institution approved by the ARRT. Visit ARRT's education requirements page for further details.
  • Do I need to send all of my transcripts, even if I just took a few courses at a school? Yes, all transcripts must be sent to both the Admissions Office and the Radiation Therapy program to complete one’s application.
  • Should I wait to submit my official transcripts until my Fall radiology course grades are posted? Yes, please wait to submit your transcripts until your Fall course grades are posted if you are currently in a radiology program.
  • Once I complete my Radiologic Technology Program, do I need to send Washburn University Admission and the Program Director new transcripts? Yes if accepted into the program, you must send new transcripts to both the Washburn University Admissions office and the Radiation Therapy program.
  • What should I do if my transcripts are being sent electronically? The Admissions Office and the Radiation Therapy program accept electronic transcripts by email at etranscripts@washburn.edu. To ensure the Radiation Therapy Program receives all necessary transcripts, please indicate the transcripts were sent electronically on the requested page in the application packet.
  • Do I have to be a Registered Radiologic Technologist RT(R) or registry eligible in order to apply? Yes, all applicants must be a graduate of an accredited Radiologic Technology program and possess the professional designation of RT(R). A registry eligible student may also apply and be considered for admittance; however, completion of the accredited Radiologic Technology program and successful completion of the ARRT radiologic technology certification exam must be obtained prior to the program start date.
  • Do I have to have an Associate Degree of higher to apply to the program? Yes, eligibility requirements for ARRT certification in Radiography, Nuclear Medicine Technology and Radiation Therapy, effective January 1, 2015, call for candidates to have earned an associate (or more advanced) degree from an accrediting agency recognized by ARRT.
  • Should I wait to send in my application when all components are completed or should I mail each part as it is completed? Please see the last page of the application packet and submit all elements in one envelope in the order listed.
  • Do you need my High School transcripts? No, since you have completed 24 or more college credit hours, we do not need your high school transcripts.
  • Do you need my ACT score? No, since you have completed 24 or more college credit hours, we do not need your ACT scores.
  • What format should the Survey of Interest be in? The preference is for document to be in a numbered or bulleted format with each question listed followed by the response.
  • If I complete two observations do I need to submit two Observation Summaries with my application? No, one observation summary from your preferred clinical education site is sufficient. If you complete more than one observation experience you may combine both experiences in the Observation Summary document if you choose.
  • Do you accept applications after the February 1st deadline? The program will accept applications after the February 1st deadline, but will only accept students from the secondary pool if all positions in the class have not been filled.
  • Does the program send out a letter letting me know if my application is complete? No, since most applications arrive right around the post-marked deadline of February 1, the program does not have enough time to notify students of missing documents. Students may contact the Allied Health department by email at allied-health2@washburn.edu to confirm receipt of application.
  • Can new clinical sites be added as affiliates? Yes, if the site meets the requirements for affiliation which have to do with patient volumes, procedure variety, equipment, staffing, accreditation, and interest in training a student it may be possible to form an affiliation with the site. If you have a site in mind, please contact the Radiation Therapy Clinical Coordinator, Sean Conrad at (785) 670-1448 or sean.conrad@washburn.edu and provide her with the site name, phone number, email, and contact person such as a supervisor so that contact can be made and an information packet mailed out.
  • If I am accepted into the Radiation Therapy program, am I guaranteed a clinical site? Acceptance is contingent on clinical placement availability. If a clinical site is not secured by May 15, a student will not be able to begin the program.
  • How much are the tuition fees? Visit business office's tuition webpage to view current tuition rates.
  • Do I pay tuition fees by the semester? Yes, you will be billed online through your My.Washburn account each individual semester.
  • How much will books and materials cost? Costs for books and materials is approximately $1,200 for the entire year. Please note that this does not include the cost of a personal computer and home internet service provider fees.
  • What is the deadline and procedure for applying for financial aid? You can apply for financial aid to assist in the costs of the Radiation Therapy program. Please call the Financial Aid office for specific details and deadline dates at (785-670-1151) or visit the financial aid website.
  • Are there any other additional scholarships that I could apply for? Yes, the Washburn School of Applied Studies (SAS) offers individual scholarships. You can print an application from the SAS homepage look for the "SAS Scholarship Application" link on the right side of the page. The deadline for SAS Scholarship applications is February 15. Check the scholarship application materials for the exact deadline. The ASRT also offers scholarships and college loan assistance for RT(T) students. Log on to ASRT website.
  • How do I speak with someone in the Financial Aid Office? Call 785.670.1151
  • How do I speak with someone in the Business Office? Call 785.670.1156
  • Does a background check that I had completed at my work or through my radiology program meet the Radiation Therapy program's background check requirement? No, all students must complete a separate background check through the university’s vendor. This is not required until acceptance and clinical placement is confirmed. The cost to the student for the background check and 10-panel drug screen is approximately $100. The background check analyzes the following:
    • Convictions of laws regulating controlled substances;
    • Convictions, at the felony level of crimes, as defined under Kansas Criminal Code (K.S.A. 21-3101 et seq.) and amendments thereto, which are crimes against persons, crimes against property, or sex offenses.
    • Conviction of an offense requiring registry as a sex offender under the Kansas Offender Registry Act or any federal, military, or other state law requiring registry;
    • Conviction, at the felony level of crimes, involving moral turpitude which include but are not limited to: perjury, bribery, embezzlement, theft, and misuse of public funds.

      *Exception: Persons who have been convicted of a misdemeanor illegal drug offense may be permitted to participate in the clinical practicum if they have demonstrated, in the opinion of the program director, they have been sufficiently rehabilitated.

  • Can a PA or Nurse Practitioner complete my physical form? Yes, a Physician, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner may complete the health physical form. The physical form is not required until acceptance and clinical placement is confirmed.
  • I received the Hepatitis B vaccination series, but I cannot find my documentation, what should I do? Have your healthcare provider draw a Hep B titer to demonstrate immunity. This step is not required until acceptance and clinical placement is confirmed.
  • My mom says that I had the chicken pox in 1989, is this sufficient? No, dates of varicella vaccination OR results of a titer showing immunity is required.
  • My immunization records demonstrate DPT vaccinations in childhood; is this sufficient? No, 1 adult Tdap is required and if it exceeds 10 years a tetanus must be updated.
  • What is a two-step TB test?  Learn more about TB testing at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website.
  • Is the orientation mandatory for all students? Yes, a virtual orientation is held in July, and attendance is required.
  • What are the online synchronous (live) class hours? 8:30 am – 4 pm Each Monday (Central Time) in the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • What are the clinical hours? 8:00am – 4:00pm Tuesday – Thursday + Friday 8:00am-12:00pm in the Fall and Spring semesters. During the Winter Intersession (about 3 weeks in December/January) clinical hours are Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm. In the second Summer semester clinical hours are 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday – Thursday + 8:00am-12:00pm Friday.
  • Is there a limit to the number of hours a student can perform clinical in a week? Yes, classroom and clinical hours cannot exceed 40 hours in a given week. During the winter intersession, there are no classroom hours so students are assigned to the clinical setting for 40 hours each week, which reflects the typical schedule of an employed radiation therapist. During the winter intersession, NO compensation time can be earned as that would result in hours beyond the 40 hour limit.


Allied Health
Benton Hall, Room 107
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621

Phone & Email
Ph: 785.670.2170

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