Signature Events

The Memorial Union features several signature events throughout the year. Join us for food, fun, entertainment and connecting opportunities.
Art for Thought logo

Art for Thought

Featuring thought provoking subjects and artist displays on the main level.

Coffee Talks logo

Coffee Talks

Free coffee, snacks and discussions on various topics in the Union Underground.

Get the Scoop logo

Get the Scoop

Two Scoops of delicious ice cream for $2 on the main level.

Gourmet Buffet logo

Gourmet Buffet

Dining Services offers delicious themed buffets for discounted prices in the Washburn AB room.

Market Daze logo

Market Daze

Showcase of Topeka local vendors and merchants providing free samples and giveaways on the north patio.

Scorch on the Porch logo

Scorch on the Porch

Ichabod Shop sidewalk sale, entertainment, and fun on the east patio.

Stop, Shop, and Dine logo

Stop, Shop & Dine

Our indoor version of the SOP, Ichabod Shop sidewalk sale, entertainment, and fun on the main level.

Union Daze logo

Union Daze

A week long celebration of the Memorial Union services. Each day features events including Market Daze, Ichahunt, Pepsi product giveaways, SOP or SSD, Coffee Talks, Dining Services promotions and more!

Union Underground Live logo

Union Underground Live

Featuring Washburn student artists and poets in the Union Underground.

GET IN TOUCH WITH the Memorial Union

785-670-1726 (Director’s Office)
785-670-1454 (Business & Auxiliaries Office)

1700 SW College, Topeka KS 66621
Google Map

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