Washburn University State and Local Internships
- Courses: PO 307/PO 309/HN 202
- WTE Eligible!
- Some internships paid ($1000-$3000)
- legislative internships include travel reimbursement (up to $600)
Types of internships possible:
- PO 309/HN 202 – Kansas Legislative Experience: Intern 12 days or 96 hours in the legislature
- Travel reimbursement up to $600
- Be matched or request a legislator
- PO 307 – Clyde Hill Leadership Intern: Intern on a regular schedule (15-20 hrs week) in offices of Republican or Democratic House or Senate Leadership
- Pay: $1000 to $3000 (depending on office)
Classes that put you under the Capitol Dome
- No pre-requisites and all majors welcome
- Be matched with a State Senator or House Member for the legislative session, January-April
- Rather than meet for class at an assigned time, you will work out your schedule with your legislator.
Apply for an Internship
DEADLINE: Applications are due back to Dr. Beatty or the Political Science office by the second Friday in November.
Q: How does the class work?
A: You will be matched with a Kansas Legislator for the Spring session and you will work in that legislators office for at least 12 days and 96 hours during the session. The Speaker Pro Tem’s office and Senate majority office will do the matching. You will be matched with a Republican or Democrat based on your preference.
Q: What is the Clyde Hill internship and is it really paid?
A: This internship program is exclusive to Washburn University and was founded by former Speaker of the Kansas House of Representatives Clyde Hill. Clyde Hill interns will be paid a stipend ranging from $1000 - $3000 (depending on the office in which the intern is placed). Hill interns are placed in the Republican and Democratic leadership offices in the Kansas House and Senate. Hill interns are expected to work regular hours during the session, usually 15-20 hours per week but possibly more depending on the nature of the internship. Successful Hill interns in the past have ended up with full-time jobs after graduation in various state and national government offices.
Q: How does the “application” process work?
A: You need to fill out an application and return it to Dr. Beatty via email or pick one up in the Political Science office (HC 215) and return it to the office or Dr. Beatty. You will also need to submit a writing sample with your application. If you want to be considered for a Hill internship, you need to fill out pages 3-8 of the application and include a resume. The application will go to the Legislature and then you’ll be matched with a legislator.
Q: What is the deadline?
A: Second Friday in November.
Q: Can the internship be used to satisfy the WTE?
A: Yes. The internship could fall under Creative and scholarly WTE if you wanted to do a project while in the internship. Go to the WTE websites for more information and contact Dr. Beatty for details.
Q: Can I arrange my own internship with a certain legislator?
A: Yes, you can arrange your own legislative internship. If you do so you still need to fill out the application forms and send them to Dr. Beatty.
Q: Can I get an internship with a non-legislator, such as the Governor or at a state agency?
A: Yes, you can intern with the Governor, Lt. Governor, a cabinet member, state agency, etc. in lieu of a legislator, if you can arrange such an internship on your own.
Q: How many hours do I have to work?
A: The Speaker Pro-Tem asks for a minimum of 12 days equaling 96 hours total. You can work more days and more hours if you like. You will work out your schedule with your legislator.
Q: Will we also meet for class in addition to our work for our legislator?
A: No. We will meet at the beginning of the term for a Washburn orientation meeting, but the internship is your “classroom.”
Q: What will be the requirements for the class?
1. Successful completion of your internship and satisfactory rating of you by the legislator
2. A journal detailing and analyzing your experiences in committee meetings, floor sessions, and other aspects of a legislators job, including constituent service.
3. A term paper of 10-13 pages.
4. Other requirements as specified in the syllabus.
5. Requirements of the internship program, which can include a policy proposal.
You will also have to attend an intern orientation run by the legislature in early January.
Q: Is it true that HN 202 counts for general education?
A: Yes! And, you don’t have to be in the Honors program to take the class. The HN 202 class will count for social science general education credit.
Q: Anything else?
A: Yes. Students should not take this class if they cannot act professional nor meet the commitments required. Students who regularly miss class, sleep through tests, have trouble looking halfway presentable, etc., should probably avoid this class because I will have to expel them if they start embarrassing themselves in the legislature. Only take the class if you feel you can work in the state legislature in a professional manner.
And, please email Dr. Beatty if you have any other questions! If not, fill out the application and get it back to Dr. Beatty. If you would like to look at the syllabus before you decide to sign up, email Dr. Beatty.
GET IN TOUCH WITH Department of Political Science
Department of Political Science
Henderson Learning Resource Center, Room 215
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email
Phone: 785.670.1737