Political Science scholarship opportunities
The Department of Political Science has a number of scholarships for political science majors, public administration majors, and transfer student PO/PA majors and even some for students who are declared “pre-law.” There are scholarships available for students in every stage of their Washburn career, from those who are only freshmen or sophomores and also specific scholarships for juniors and seniors. There are also scholarships for seniors who for various reasons (usually because they are double majoring) may need one more term to complete their studies. And, there are scholarships for pre-law students, regardless of class status. Finally, there are scholarships for students interning with elected officials in Washington D.C. or abroad.
Who is eligible for a political science scholarship?
Any full-time Washburn student who has declared political science or public administration as a major. If you haven’t declared yet but would like to please talk to a political science professor about doing so. You can be eligible for a scholarship if your major declaration is “pending.”
Who normally gets the scholarships?
Since applicants are mostly evaluated relative to other students in their class, students are not “competing” for scholarships against all the political science or public administration majors. This means if you are doing reasonably well in your studies at Washburn and in political science you could possibly receive a scholarship. What is reasonably well? Most scholarship awardees have overall GPA’s of 3.0 or above and usually have higher political science GPA’s. However, involvement in activities related to political science (such as clubs, study abroad, Model UN, Mock Trial, internships, etc.) will also be factored into the decision.
Does the department offer internships and/or internship support?
Yes. They are:
- Clyde Hill Legislative Leadership Internship: Competitive selections process done in conjunction with the Kansas Legislature for placement of 4-5 Washburn students to intern in the Kansas House or Senate Leadership offices; Stipends can range from $1500-$3500. Applications available in early Fall for Spring internship placement.
- Kansas Legislature Internship: Intern in the office of a Kansas House or Senate member; travel reimbursement of up to $600 available.
For information on scholarships and internships contact:
GET IN TOUCH WITH Department of Political Science
Department of Political Science
Henderson Learning Resource Center, Room 215
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email
Phone: 785.670.1737