Our Mission
The Department of Social Work reflects the Washburn University vision through outstanding Bachelor of Social Work (BSW generalist) and Master of Social Work (MSW clinical) programs. The curriculum is continually enhanced through teaching excellence, scholarly research and publication, and faculty involvement in international, national, and regional forums. Kansas benefits directly from student practica serving our most vulnerable citizens.
Department goals reflect the accreditation standards of the National Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Students build on a solid general education base integrated with humanistic values, cultural competence, and enthusiasm for a lifetime of learning. Upon graduation, students will be able to apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments, conducting themselves as ethical practitioners. Graduates may further advance the social and economic well-being of clients and human rights through advocacy and shaping of policy and practice.
Click below for the summary data and outcomes for the assessment of each of its competencies, identifying the percentage of students achieving the benchmarks.
Year: 2017 |
Bachelors |
Masters Generalist |
Masters Clinical |
Washburn Pass Rates |
91% |
73% |
70% |
North American Pass Rates |
71% |
70% |
68% |
Year: 2016 |
Bachelors |
Masters Generalist |
Masters Clinical |
Washburn Pass Rates |
67% |
74% |
66% |
North American Pass Rates |
70% |
70% |
67% |
Year: 2015 |
Bachelors |
Masters Generalist |
Masters Clinical |
Washburn Pass Rates |
87% |
75% |
67% |
North American Pass Rates |
71% |
69% |
64% |
Year: 2014 |
Bachelors |
Masters Generalist |
Masters Clinical |
Washburn Pass Rates |
53% |
83% |
65% |
North American Pass Rates |
71% |
71% |
67% |
Year: 2013 |
Bachelors |
Masters Generalist |
Masters Clinical |
Washburn Pass Rates |
72% |
80% |
78% |
North American Pass Rates |
71% |
71% |
67% |
Year: 2012 |
Bachelors |
Masters Generalist |
Masters Clinical |
Washburn Pass Rates |
80% |
91% |
83% |
North American Pass Rates |
70% |
72% |
66% |
Year: 2011 |
Bachelors |
Masters Generalist |
Masters Clinical |
Washburn Pass Rates |
89% |
70% |
83% |
North American Pass Rates |
71% |
72% |
66% |
Washburn University's BSW and MSW programs are fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
A competency-based social work education, emphasizing practice behaviors and outcomes, requires an ongoing assessment of core competencies (BSW) and the core and advanced competencies (MSW). As an accredited program, our system of assessment is implemented annually. The resulting data are used to improve the quality of our social work programs.
Strategic Goals
In order to accomplish the department’s Mission, the Department of Social Work is committed to providing a high quality professional social work education program that will:
- train students to engage, assess, and provide high quality psychosocial services to their clients;
- help students to develop critical thinking skills that will enhance their practice with clients;
- train students to apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice; and
- enable students to practice within a multicultural society and provide diverse clients with a respectful and caring psychosocial services.
Advisory Board
The 10-member Department of Social Work Community Advisory Board meets at least once each semester for a two-hour meeting on campus with the department chair and other faculty. The board consists of community social workers who are diverse in terms of race, gender, national origin, declared sexual orientation, area of practice specialization, and type of social service agency. Some Advisory Board members are also alumni of our department, and most of them work for local and regional social service agencies that employ our graduating students. Board members provide ongoing feedback to the department concerning perceived strengths and concerns related to the BSW and MSW programs. Advisory Board members frequently make recommendations concerning such matters. They also provide valuable feedback concerning how recent department graduates are doing in their employment, and how current students are performing in their field practicum placements.

Front row: Lea Chaffee, Midland Care; Jennie Watson, Family Service and Guidance Center; Jaquita Clark, KDHE; second row: Keirsten Hale, Prairie Band Pottawatomie Nation; Regina Franklin, Topeka School District 501; Robert Harder, Valeo Behavioral Health).
Social Work
Benton Hall, Room 412
1700 SW College Ave.
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone & Email
Ph: 785.670.1616