Philosophy Student Spotlight
2020 Graduate Spotlight: Adam Thew
Adam was prominent early, and often, in my ‘Introduction to Philosophy’ course. He was argumentative, wouldn’t agree with any of my claims, and always wanted to know why he should accept any proposition on offer. My first thought was, “this guy is going to be an outstanding philosophy major,” and he didn’t disappoint! Indeed, Adam argued – and excelled – every step of the way, subsequently graduating with departmental Honors, and the only downside to that is that I’ll no longer have him in my classes. But our loss will be Law School’s gain. Adam’s analytical abilities and verbal articulacy are already on a par with the demands of high-level graduate work, so I fully expect him to impress his Law School professors, and earn his way into the paid ranks of the legal profession. When he does, I’m certain that his colleagues will quickly come to recognize these same qualities, as well as those he’ll undoubtedly add along the way.
Rik Hine
Assistant Professor
It has been an enormous privilege to have Adam Thew as a member of our Philosophy program at Washburn University. Adam has been, and remains, an enormously intelligent and dedicated person whose combination of academic accomplishments and extracurricular activities have made him one of our standout students. It was a pleasure to read his excellent senior thesis and to have him as a participant in our Philosophy Club, as well as to have him as a logic tutor in our department. While we will miss seeing Adam around our department, we expect him to do great things in the future and look forward to following his successes.
Justin Moss
Lecturer in Philosophy
When Adam Thew, Rik Hine, and I went to the Kansas Philosophical Society meeting in 2018 at Kansas State University, I knew right away that our department had something special in Adam. During the conference he had not only excellent questions for us, but also for the conference audience! He was only a freshman or sophomore back then, but his philosophical acuity was already quickly developing. It has been an honor having Thew in our department, and as my colleagues have stated well, his future efforts will make a great contribution to the law profession.
Ian Smith
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Chair, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies