Facilities Emergency Service

The employees of Facilities Services will respond to the following emergency situations:

  • fire and fire alarms
  • power outages
  • pipe breaks
  • toilet overflowing or plugged
  • faucet or shower head leaks
  • water shut off problems
  • door lock problems leading to insecure area
  • sewer line backups or sewer odor or smoke
  • gas line leaks or smell of natural gas
  • elevator or wheelchair lift problems
  • broken glass
  • major roof leaks or floods
  • other unsafe facilities conditions

Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays; please make all emergency calls to Facilities Services 785.670.1149. 

Between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 24 hours a day during weekends and holidays; please make all emergency calls to the University Police Dispatcher 785.670.1300. The University Police Dispatcher will call utility companies in coordination with Facilities Services on-call staff.

Whether calling Facilities Services or University Police, please follow up your phone call by filling out an I-service work request. In the request, please include the fact that you contacted Facilities Services or University Police.

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