Facilities Services provides services that help maintain a proficient work and learning environment.
Custodial Services
Custodial Services includes cleaning the interior of buildings, small interior event setups, and minor pest control service.
Custodial Services provides routine custodial duties such as:
- Room cleaning, floor sweeping and emptying trash.
- Carpet shampooing may be scheduled.
- Requests for large trash or recycling cans for temporary use in offices may be requested.
Custodial service does not require a work request, so please call 785.670.3132 or email the custodial supervisor.
Grounds-keeping Services
Grounds & Landscaping Services which includes planting and maintenance of trees, grass, and flowers. Construction and maintenance of parking lots, streets, and sidewalks. Moving university property in coordination with the purchasing department. Snow removal, large or exterior event setups, exterior trash collection and university trash disposal.
During winter weather conditions the Grounds Supervisor watches the forecast with the help of the University Police Department; as soon as snow or ice has accumulated, all essential Facilities employees report to work as scheduled, where they proceed to remove the snow from the streets, sidewalks, parking lots and building entryways or treat icy areas across campus. Additional work such as sidewalks cleaned with mechanical brooms, custodians cleaning steps and entryways to their buildings, and private contractors removing snow on all parking lots are provided.
Whenever possible, the grounds crew begins removing the snow or ice as early as 4:00 a.m. and tries to complete most of the work prior to 7:30 a.m., before students, faculty and staff arrive. Each snowfall is managed differently since each varies (in the amount, number of employees available, whether ice is involved, etc.). All areas of campus are cleaned off as soon as the weather allows, in the quickest way possible.
If you find slip hazards that we have missed, please notify Facilities Services at 785.670.1149(between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday) or University Police dispatcher at 785.670.1300 (between 4:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 24 hours a day during weekends and holidays.)
All Facilities Services hourly employees except office staff are considered essential personnel. All essential personnel must report to work as scheduled, regardless of the weather.
Operations and Maintenance
Plant Operations and Maintenance which provides power, water, gas, steam, sewer, heating & cooling, and building maintenance service.
Pest Control
Facilities Services has a contract with an off-campus pest control agency. The service representative comes out once a week on Tuesday to complete scheduled preventative maintenance and weekly service requests. Please submit a Facilities Work Request for all trouble areas.
Work Requests
For these services please submit a Facilities Work Request and include your FOAPAL.
Repairs or adjustments to departmental (office) equipment: office chairs, desks, file cabinets, locks on file cabinets and desk drawers, carts, electrical pencil sharpeners, shredders, paper cutters, etc.
- Hauling: moves from one office to another, re-arranging furniture within an office, delivering to or from off-campus.
- Electrical additions in offices.
- Temporary set-ups and temporary electrical hook-ups for special events such as Homecoming, Career Day, Senior Day, Math Day, and Band Day, etc. Delivery of tables, chairs, or risers for special events.
- Hanging bulletin boards, message boards, display cases, window blinds, pictures, plaques, etc.
- Building specialized furniture for a department such as bookshelves.
- Repair of mailboxes in UMAPS (University Mailing & Printing Services department).
- Sound Tech for basketball, football, softball games, special events, etc.
- Painting lines on athletic fields for events.
- Repairs or adjustments to classroom equipment: student desks, manual pencil sharpeners, etc.
- Plumbing problems: trouble with toilets, water fountains, clogged drains, without hot or cold water, roof leaks, wet ceiling tiles, etc.
- Air conditioning and heating problems: rooms or buildings too hot or too cold, units making unusual sounds.
- Lock or key problems: trouble with door locks, doorknobs, keys not working properly.
- Carpentry problems: doors not shutting, windows not closing, handicap doors malfunctioning, weather proofing needed, etc.
- Electrical problems: light bulbs burnt out, ballasts need replaced, ballast smelling (they emit a burning smell before needing replaced), elevators not working properly, bell tower and/or classroom bells not ringing properly, clocks showing wrong time, etc.
- Campus grounds problems: slick spots during cold weather, outside plants need maintained (trimmed, watered), hazardous sidewalks (breaking, splitting), large amounts of recycling material or trash from offices (schedule a pickup), trash collection from building dock/receiving areas, etc.