A MAC address is a unique hardware address that allows your device to be identified and registered on a network.
Please see the instructions below to find the MAC address of some the most common devices we encounter.
- Some device manufacturers include the MAC address on the box a device is packaged in as well as on a sticker on the device itself (usually on the bottom or back on a stick with the serial number and model information). These are good places to check first for your MAC address!
- If you need additional help finding your MAC address, you can do a quick Internet search for "how to find your device MAC address" (ex. how to find Playstation 4 MAC address) and you should be able to find out where it is located.
Gaming Consoles
Nintendo Switch
- From the Home menu, select System Settings.
- Select Internet.
- The MAC address is listed next to System MAC address.
Nintendo 3DS, 3DS XL, or 2DS
- Go to System Settings.
- Select Internet Settings.
- Select Other Information.
- Select Confirm MAC address.
- The MAC address is displayed on this screen.
PlayStation 5
- Go to Settings.
- Select System.
- Select System Software.
- Select Console Information
- You can find the MAC address on this screen.
PlayStation 4
- Go to Settings.
- Select System.
- Select System Information.
- You can find the MAC address on this screen.
PlayStation 3
- Go to Settings.
- Select Network Settings.
- Select Connection Status List.
- You can find the MAC address on this screen.
Xbox Series X/S
- Go to Settings.
- Select Network Settings.
- Select Advanced Settings.
- On the IP Settings menu, the wireless MAC address will be listed by Wireless MAC.
Xbox One
- Go to Settings.
- Select Network.
- Select Advanced Settings.
- You can find the MAC address on this screen.
Xbox 360
- Go to Settings.
- Select System.
- Select Network Settings.
- Select a wireless network from the list or set up one manually.
- From Additional Settings, select Advanced Settings.
- At the bottom of this screen you’ll see the MAC address under a heading called MAC Address.
Smart Home Devices
New devices that have not been set up
The process for getting the MAC address for new devices (3rd and 4th generation) during setup is a bit odd. What we have to do is let setup fail using the normal method then let it suggest using an alternate method which will reveal the MAC address. Older devices, 1st and 2nd generation, should start out with step 5.
- Download and sign in to the Amazon Alexa app
- Start the process for adding a new device.
- Once you've connected to the Echo, select the guest network, then let the app fail to connect. You should see a Let's try something else screen.
- Tap Try Again.
- Follow the setup prompts to connect to the wireless network the Echo will broadcast.
- This time, on the screen displaying available networks to connect your Echo to, scroll down to the bottom.
- Your Echo's wireless MAC address should be listed.
Existing devices that have already been set up
- Open the Alexa App on your mobile device.
- Tap More in the bottom right.
- Tap Device Settings.
- Tap the device you're trying to connect.
- Tap Settings (Gear icon) in the top right.
- Scroll down and tap About.
- Your Echo's wireless MAC address should be listed.
New devices that have not been set up
- Download and sign in to the Google Home app.
- Start the process for adding a new device.
- During setup, when prompted to connect to wi-fi, tap the 3 dots in the top right.
- Select Show MAC address.
- Your Google Home's wireless MAC address should be listed.
Existing devices that have already been set up
- Open the Google Home app.
- Tap on the device you need the MAC address for.
- Tap Settings (gear icon).
- Select Device Information.
- Scroll down to the Technical information section.
- Your Google Home's wireless MAC address should be listed.
Streaming Devices
New devices that have not been set up
- During setup, when prompted to connect to a wireless network, the MAC address should be listed.
Existing devices that have already been set up
- Go to Settings.
- Select My Fire TV.
- Select About.
- Select Network.
- Your MAC address should be listed.
- Go to Settings.
- Select System.
- Select About.
- The Roku's MAC address should be listed.
- Go to Settings.
- Select General.
- Select About.
- You can find the MAC address on this screen.
- Click the Apple logo in the top left of the screen
- Click System Preferences
- Click Network
- Select the network type (WiFi/Wireless or Ethernet/Wired) that you need the MAC address for
- Click Advanced...
- Your MAC address will be displayed in one of two places depending on the network type you chose
- For WiFi/Wireless, your MAC address will be displayed on the first page, near the bottom, next to WiFi address:
- For Ethernet/Wired, your MAC address will be displayed by clicking the Hardware tab. It will be shown next to MAC address on the Hardware page.
- Open the Start Menu
- Type Command Prompt into the search box and press Enter
- Click on Command Prompt in the search results
- In the window that appears, type the following command, then press Enter
- getmac
- The MAC Address for each network card in the computer will display under Physical Address
- If you see multiple MAC addresses listed, you may want to run another command to see more details. In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press the Enter
- ipconfig /all
- Details about the MAC Address and the Physical Address for ALL Ethernet Adapters, Wireless Adapters, and Tunnel Adapters will be displayed.
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