Getting Started with Office 365
With Office 365, accessing your mail and calendar on any device, anywhere, is quick and convenient. Office 365 mail and calendar are accessible on:
- The web at https://outlook.washburn.edu
- PC or Mac through the Outlook desktop program
- Mobile devices through the Outlook mobile apps for iOS and Android
- Mobile devices through other mail apps using Exchange, Exchange ActiveSync, or Office 365
If you have issues, please report them to support@washburn.edu.
Questions about using the Outlook program or Web App?
Installing Office Programs on Personal Devices
Office 365 programs are free for faculty, staff, and students and can be installed on up to five devices.
- Log into Office 365.
- Click the “Install Office” in the upper right hand corner
If the steps above do not work or you get a new computer or need to remove an installation, visit https://portal.office.com/account#installs. To remove an installation, expand Installs where you have the ability to Deactivate an installation (i.e. Home Computer).
Problems or questions, please contact ITS User Services at support@washburn.edu or by calling 785.670.3000. We can also assist you in Bennett Computer Center room 104 to install the Office suite.
Monitored Email Accounts
A monitored email account is an email account accessed by more than one individual for the purpose of collecting and processing data on a scheduled basis. Contact support@washburn.edu for more information or call the Help Desk at 785-670-3000.
A monitored email account is for faculty and staff use only.
Email Aliases
- An email alias is a way to communicate with a group of people via one email address. It is a shared email address that does address a specific person (e.g. admissions@washburn.edu).
- Email aliases are available upon request for University departments and/or organizations.
- An email alias has an owner (or owners) responsible for updating the members of the e-mail alias. One of the owner(s) of the alias must be a faculty or staff member.
If your Account is Blocked
Microsoft's Office 365 includes Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE). FOPE blocks accounts that appear to be sending malicious messages or apparent spam.
If your account gets blocked by FOPE, you must follow the steps outlined below.
There are two ways you may find out your account has been blocked. ITS may contact you. Or, when you try to send a message, you receive this error message:
- Contact ITS Support at 670-3000.
- Change your Active Directory (WUAD) password immediately. Go to password.washburn.edu.
- ITS may need to run diagnostics on your computer(s) to determine the cause of your account's bad behavior or gather other information about how your Office 365 account may have been compromised.
- After the password has been changed and computers/devices checked and fixed (if needed) then ITS will contact Microsoft and ask to have your account re-enabled.
Microsoft will evaluate your account's activity and re-enable the account, provided they find no outstanding issues. The timing for this part of the process is out of Washburn's control; it may take a few hours or a few days.
Email Policy
Email the Technology Support Center
Email ITS Support
Call us for technical assistance
Visit the Help Desk
Located in Bennett, Room 104